Accepted Papers


Paper Title

Author Names




1 An Introduction to Quantum Natural Language Processing and a Study Case
Machine Learning Quantum Natural Language Processing Poster
Javier Orduz, Shubhangi Rastogi, Erich Baker

Rastogi, S. et al., (2022). An Introduction to Quantum Natural Language Processing and a Study Case [Poster Presentation]. International Conference on Machine Learning Conference: LatinX in AI (LXAI) Research Workshop 2022, Baltimore, Maryland USA.
2 Bottleneck-based Encoder-decoder ARchitecture (BEAR) for Learning Unbiased Consumer-to-Consumer Image Representations
Machine Learning Computer Vision Poster
Pablo Rivas, Gisela Bichler, Tomas Cerny, Laurie Giddens, Stacie Petter

Rivas, P. et al., (2022). Bottleneck-based Encoder-decoder ARchitecture (BEAR) for Learning Unbiased Consumer-to-Consumer Image Representations [Poster Presentation]. International Conference on Machine Learning Conference: LatinX in AI (LXAI) Research Workshop 2022, Baltimore, Maryland USA.
3 AI For Preservation of Cultural Heritage: Classifier Guided Diffusion for Image Inpainting. Applications to Fine Art
Machine Learning Image Classification Poster
Lucia Cipolina-Kun, Sergio M. Papadakis, Niranjan Krishna, Simone Caenazzo, Gaston Mazzei

Cipolina-Kun, L. et al., (2022). AI For Preservation of Cultural Heritage: Classifier Guided Diffusion for Image Inpainting. Applications to Fine Art [Poster Presentation]. International Conference on Machine Learning Conference: LatinX in AI (LXAI) Research Workshop 2022, Baltimore, Maryland USA.
4 A Model-Based Filter to Improve Local Differential Privacy
Machine Learning Data Privacy Poster
Juan M. Gutierrez, Valérie Gauthier-Umaña, Juan F.Pérez

Gutierrez, J. M. et al., (2022). A Model-Based Filter to Improve Local Differential Privacy [Poster Presentation]. International Conference on Machine Learning Conference: LatinX in AI (LXAI) Research Workshop 2022, Baltimore, Maryland USA.
5 A Study on the Predictability of Sample Learning Consistency
Machine Learning Curriculum Learning, C-score Poster
Alain Raymond-Sáes, Julio Hurtado, Álvaro Soto

Raymond-Sáes, A. et al., (2022). A Study on the Predictability of Sample Learning Consistency [Poster Presentation]. International Conference on Machine Learning Conference: LatinX in AI (LXAI) Research Workshop 2022, Baltimore, Maryland USA.
6 Link Prediction from Heterogeneous Opinion Mining Networks with Multi-Domain Applications
Machine Learning Natural Language Processing, Opinion Mining and Analysis Poster
Bernardo M. Costa, Aime Nobrega, Adailton Araujo, Ricardo Marcacini

Costa, M. B. et al., (2022). Link Prediction from Heterogeneous Opinion Mining Networks with Multi-Domain Applications [Poster Presentation]. International Conference on Machine Learning Conference: LatinX in AI (LXAI) Research Workshop 2022, Baltimore, Maryland USA.
7 Transfer Learning with Joint Fine-Tuning for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis
Machine Learning Transfer Laearning, Sentiment Analysis Poster
Guilherme L. Toledo, Ricardo M. Marcacini

Toledo, G. L. et al., (2022). Transfer Learning with Joint Fine-Tuning for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis [Poster Presentation]. International Conference on Machine Learning Conference: LatinX in AI (LXAI) Research Workshop 2022, Baltimore, Maryland USA.
8 Interpretable Process Mining Opportunities and Challenges
Machine Learning Process Mining Interpretation, Explanability Oral
Ana Rocío Cárdenas Maita, Marcelo Fantinato

Cárdenas Maita, A. R. et al., (2022). Interpretable Process Mining Opportunities and Challenges [Oral Presentation]. International Conference on Machine Learning Conference: LatinX in AI (LXAI) Research Workshop 2022, Baltimore, Maryland USA.

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