Call For Papers

We strongly encourage students, post-docs, and researchers who primarily identify as LatinX in all areas of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to submit a paper describing new research. We welcome paper submissions in theory, methodology, and applications.

We also welcome papers currently presented in another venue as long as the content of the paper is significantly different than the previous publication. The purpose of this journal is to disseminate LatinX in AI work within the broader community.

Whereas the presenting author need not be the first author of the work, we encourage authors to highlight the contribution of Latinx individuals.

If you are interested in submitting your research, please click the following button and then the JLXAIR 2023 Submission Button. Create an account if needed.

We invite submissions presenting new and original research on topics including but not limited to the following:

Topic Examples
General Machine Learning
Deep Learning Architectures, generative models, optimization for deep networks
Reinforcement Learning Decision and control, planning, hierarchical RL, robotics
Applications Speech processing, computer vision, NLP
Machine Learning for Sciences Biology, physics, health sciences, social sciences
Probabilistic Methods Variational inference, causal inference, Gaussian processes
Optimization Convex and non-convex optimization
Neuroscience and Cognitive Science Neural coding, brain-computer interfaces
Theory Control theory, learning theory, algorithmic game theory
Infrastructure Datasets, competitions, implementations, libraries
Social Aspects of Machine Learning AI safety, fairness, privacy, interpretability, human-AI interaction, ethics

Machine learning is a rapidly evolving field, and so we welcome interdisciplinary submissions that do not fit neatly into existing categories.

Link to the editorial board page:

Double-blind reviewing

All submissions must be anonymized and may not contain any identifying information that may violate the double-blind reviewing policy. This policy applies to any supplementary or linked material as well, including code. If you are including links to any external material, it is your responsibility to guarantee anonymous browsing. Please do not include acknowledgements at submission time. If you need to cite one of your own papers, you should do so with adequate anonymization to preserve double-blind reviewing. For instance, write “In the previous work of Smith et al. [1]…” rather than “In our previous work [1]...”.


The submissions have to follow the IEEE Access Journal format with a maximum length of the paper of 10 pages, excluding appendices. Additional material such as proof, and appendices are allowed with a 10 page limit. The Journal LaTex style file includes all the format information for the submission.


This year we are using a Openreview submission page to manage submissions and the corresponding peer-review process by our journal committee.

Full-papers: 10 pages excluding references. We allow supplementary material in another file up to 10 pages. Note that these papers are expected to present novel research.

Submissions will be double-blind peer-reviewed and should be submitted as a single PDF file. The submissions should strictly follow the guidelines provided by the aforementioned formatting guidelines to avoid the risk of being rejected without consideration of their merits. Submissions must state the research problem, motivation, and technical contribution. All submissions must be self-contained and include all figures, tables, and references.

  • Current Volume Submission Deadline: Rolling 2023-2024.
  • Response Time: We will reply with the initial review 60 days after submission.
  • Revisions: Authors will be allowed (1) Major and (1) Minor revision as needed prior for publication.
  • Review Period(s): 30 days for each review as needed.
  • Revision Period(s): 30 days for each revision as needed.
  • Volumes: (1) Volume per year published consisting of minimum of 5 full papers.

If you are interested in submitting your research, please click the following button and then the JLXAIR 2023 Submission Button. Create an account if needed.

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